The Architects Act was passed in 1972 and we were given an unique identity. However we call it The Unfinished Agenda of 1972 because the profession was not regulated. On this page you will find the history of the Act.
This page is dynamic and gets constantly revised as and when the new information is obtained.
Unfinished Agenda includes
- definition of Architect;
- definition of Practice of Architecture;
- lack of provision in Architect’s Act for the regulation of the practice of architecture ;
- implementing architect’s code of conduct;
The Bill as passed in 1972

Rajya Sabha : April 10, 1972
Lok Sabha : May 24, 1972
Current Act

Debate since 1967……

Before the act was passed , it was sent to a Joint Committee . Follow the download link at Joint Committee Report on The Architect’s Bill 1968. This issue of definition of the term Architect was the bone of contention between Architects & Engineers. This report contains the responses of the witness to the Joint Committee. Attention is drawn to the verbatim record of oral evidence given before the committee by Ar. JR Bhalla as a witness on Jul 04 1969.
Earlier the bill was introduced in Rajya Sabha on the Dec 10th, 1968. The motion for refernce of the bill to a Joint Committee of the Houses was moved by Prof V.K.R.V. Rao, Minister of Education on May 15th, 1969 and was adopted by the House on the same day.
The Architects Bill, 1968, was passed by the Rajya Sabha on 7 May 1970. Then The Lok Sabha returned the Bill to the Rajya Sabha with amendments on 3 December 1970. The Bill as amended was pending till the Lok Sabha was dissolved on 27 December 1970. The Bill thus lapsed.
source : Follow me
Rajya Sabha Debate
Verbatim Extracts from Rajya Sabha Archives
Sh IK Gujral was asking whether the govt has any proposal to introduce a bill to regulate the profession, education and training of architects .
Dr Triguna Sen introduces the BILL for the registration of architects.
The BILL for the registration of architects is referred to a Joint Committee of the Houses consisting of 45 members. The chairman instructed the JPC to report to the house on Aug 29th, 1969.
The Joint Committee of the Houses requests for extension of time till Nov-Dec of 1969.
This is oral verbatim evidence given by Ar Bhalla to JPC in 1969
Imp: The JPC Submits its report on Nov 28, 1969. The evidence by various people/org are also tabled.
The Minister of State in The Ministry of Education and Youth Services moves that JPC Report be taken into consideration and The original bill was amended and the changes were unanimously adopted by the house. The debate is continued on May 07, 1970
The debate on the Bill continues
The Bill is introduced again by Prof Nurul Hasan
After a long debate The Bill is finally passed.
Other Misc Documents
Consulting Engineers Association of India ( ) is an organization who had presented a counter opinion in favor of the engineers in 1968 and recently it had also published a document called annexure A wherein it had presented the Engineers point of view.