EPC Contracts – Engineering, Procurement, and Construction Contracts have become the Governments chosen mode of delivering public projects.
Whether this is due to the growing number of Projects and limited Manpower at the governments end but it has ended up limiting the use of the Traditional Project delivery Model that consisted of dealing with multiple agencies for project delivery.
While the Government has chosen to adopt EPC Contract as its preferred choice for implementing medium and large Projects for ease of management while transferring all the risks (financial, legal, technical, administrative, environmental etc) and liability to the EPC Contractor.
Gradually, the convenience of the Government agencies for rendering the Architects role subordinate to the EPC Contractor on a predetermined agenda and thereby limiting the scope of professional services usually rendered by Architects in public interest. The traditional Architectural practices are now facing existential crisis and the challenges to perform in the new paradigm of EPC being pursued by the Government.
Northern Chapter, The Indian Institute of Architects is organising a deliberation among its esteemed members to enable a better understanding of EPC contracts and its impact on the profession of Architectural practice.
The IIANC has organized a moderated discussion amongst the stakeholders of EPC Contracts and has invited speakers for opening up the subject for a wider deliberation with the professional fraternity of Architects that shall be webcast live followed by interactive Q & A session.

Hon. Jt. Secretary
Northern Chapter
The Deliberation
- The outcomes of completed EPC Projects and evaluating their impact on quality of projects and concerns of Citizenry on such National Assets.
- Architect’s experiences of having worked with EPC contractors
- Requisite competencies of architectural practices for participation in EPC contracts and quality of their Services for greater public good;
The Speakers
Mr. Iftikhar A Drabu
Consulting Engineer

Ar. Navneet Kumar
Former ADG, CPWD

Prof. Charanjit Shah
Practicing Architect